Gharibpour to restage Khayyam opera puppet show in Tehran
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Director Behrouz Gharibpour plans to restage the Khayyam opera puppet show with his Aran Puppet Theater Group at Tehran’s Ferdowsi Hall on Wednesday.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Director Behrouz Gharibpour plans to restage the Khayyam opera puppet show with his Aran Puppet Theater Group at Tehran’s Ferdowsi Hall on Wednesday.
Directed by Behrouz Gharibpour, a fabulous doll opera named Khayyam is currently playing at the Ferdowsi Hall.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE)- A group of about 300 people has been collaborating for three years to bring out the show which is about Persian polymath and poet Omar Khayyam.