The puppet show focuses on the life story Omar Khayyam, the Persian mathematician, astronomer and poet who lived during the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
Composer Amir Behzad, vocalist Mohammad Motamedi and conductor Farnush Behzad will also collaborate in the puppet opera.
In earlier July 2017, the group performed the opera puppet at Ferdowsi Hall.
Khayyam, a Persian mathematician, astronomer and poet, was renowned in his own country and in his own lifetime for his scientific achievements, but is chiefly known to English-speaking readers through the translation by the English writer Edward Fitzgerald of a collection of his quatrains in The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
Gharibpur has previously staged the puppet shows Hafez, Rumi and Macbeth, all of which have been warmly received in Iran and at international events.
Source:Tehran Times