Weightlessness Wins at Experimental Film Festival in Peru
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) - Iranian feature Weightlessness, directed by Mehdi Fard Ghaderi, has won the best film award at the experimental film festival of Peru.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) - Iranian feature Weightlessness, directed by Mehdi Fard Ghaderi, has won the best film award at the experimental film festival of Peru.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) – Iranian feature Weightlessness, directed by Mehdi Fard Ghaderi, has won the Director’s Award at the North Carolina Film Awards in the US.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Iranian feature Weightlessness, directed by Mehdi Fard Ghaderi, has been selected as the opening film for the 4th edition of Love International Film Festival (LIFF) in the US.