Leev to Restage The Kitchen in Tehran
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – A troupe from the Leev Theater Academy will perform British writer Arnold Wesker’s 1957 play The Kitchen at Tehran’s Shahrzad Theater on Saturday.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – A troupe from the Leev Theater Academy will perform British writer Arnold Wesker’s 1957 play The Kitchen at Tehran’s Shahrzad Theater on Saturday.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) – A troupe from the Leev Theater Academy will perform British writer Arnold Wesker’s 1957 play The Kitchen at Tehran’s Molavi Hall on Monday.
TEHRAN – Director Hassan Majuni plans to stage British writer Arnold Wesker’s 1957 play The Kitchen in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz during summer, several Persian news websites announced on Saturday.