Samira Alikhanzadeh Art Show in Venice Biennale
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Italy’s Venice Biennale is the venue for a new, selected artwork by 52-year-old Iranian contemporary artist Samira Alikhanzadeh. Alikhanzadeh deals with memory with an eye on the future. Born and raised in Tehran, she holds a painting diploma from the University of Art but departed from painting after her first exhibition and turned to new media art, which she felt was representative of her own time. Using family photographs as raw material; her praxis is one of image manipulation to explore ideas of identity and memory. Alikhanzadeh cuts out faces and portraits from their original photographic backgrounds and places them on a mesh, guiding viewers from observation of a photograph to construction of a visual narrative. Alikhanzadeh is taking part in the 58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia (Venice Biennale), dubbed Of Being and Singing, in Venice, Italy. The program runs from May 11th to November 24th. The pre-opening session will be from May 8 to 10.