Milan Unfair showcases works by Iranian artists
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Works by six Iranian artists were showcased at Unfair, an internitional art exhibition which was organized at Supertudio Maxi in Milan, Italy, from April 7 to 10.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Works by six Iranian artists were showcased at Unfair, an internitional art exhibition which was organized at Supertudio Maxi in Milan, Italy, from April 7 to 10.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - A collection of paintings by veteran Iranian filmmaker Masud Kimiai is on view in an exhibition at Golestan Gallery.The exhibit will be running until December 8 at the gallery, which can be found at 34 Kamasai St. in the Darus neighborhood.
Dubbed Accidental, a painting exhibition by Mehdi Arabi is underway at the Nian Gallery. You can visit the solo program until 2 August.