Private screening for Lottery
Directed by Mohammad Hossein Mahdavian, feature film Lottery had a private screening at Tehran’s Mellat Cineplex. Cast and crew members, including Saed Soheili and Ziba Karamali, were present.
Directed by Mohammad Hossein Mahdavian, feature film Lottery had a private screening at Tehran’s Mellat Cineplex. Cast and crew members, including Saed Soheili and Ziba Karamali, were present.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Seven Iranian films have been selected to premiere at Iranian theaters ahead of the Iranian New Year celebration, Noruz, which will begin on March 20, the Screening Council of the Culture Ministry announced on Monday.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Mohammad-Hossein Mahdavian, director of the sex trafficking drama “Lottery”, has said that protagonists in all film genres act unconventionally.