“Nahid”, “The Chick” honored at Fribourg Intl. Film Festival
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Iranian shorts “Nahid” and “The Chick” were honored at the Fribourg International Film Festival in Switzerland, the organizers announced on Sunday.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Iranian shorts “Nahid” and “The Chick” were honored at the Fribourg International Film Festival in Switzerland, the organizers announced on Sunday.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Four short movies from Iranian filmmakers will be competing in the Fribourg International Film Festival, which will screnn in Fribourg, Switzerland from July 16 to 25. The films are “False Ceiling”, “Nahid”, “The Chick” and “All the Time”.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Mar. 06 (MNA) – Iranian short film ‘Nahid’ has been accepted into the 35th edition of the Fribourg International Film Festival.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) - Iranian short documentary Asho, directed by Jafar Najafi, will take part at the 34th edition of the Fribourg International Film Festival (FIFF) in Switzerland.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Iranian short film ‘Retouch’ directed by Kaveh Mazaheri will compete in Fribourg International Film Festival (FIFF) in March and ten other film events later this year.