Iran withdraws from 2022 Frankfurt Book Fair
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Iran announced on Sunday that has officially withdrawn from the Frankfurt Book Fair over “the organizers’ uncultured actions.”
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Iran announced on Sunday that has officially withdrawn from the Frankfurt Book Fair over “the organizers’ uncultured actions.”
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE)- The 74th Frankfurt Book Fair, slated to be held from October 19 to 23, will open with Iran’s presence.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – A book studying Persian poet Hafez’s influence on German poet Goethe and his fellow artist Gunther Uecker 200 years later was introduced in a Special session at the Frankfurt Book Fair on Saturday.
The 72nd Frankfurt Book Fair opened with Tehran. (HONARONLINE)-Iran’s presence with live streaming of the opening ceremony taking place in its traditional venue, Frankfurt's Festhalle, attended only by guests invited for the opening, staff and journalists and no on-site audience due to coronavirus concerns.
The 71th Frankfurt Book Fair was held in the German city from October 16 to 20. This year, the world’s largest trade fair for books showcased titles from about 7,500 exhibitors from 110 countries and regions, including Iran.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) – Iran’s Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (IIDCYA) will be displaying about 100 new and bestselling books at the Frankfurt Book Fair, which opens today.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) – Independent Iranian publishers Shabaviz, Sarir, Nazar and Behnegar plan to attend the Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s largest trade fair for books that will be held in the German city from October 16 to 20.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Iran plans to celebrate 380 years of publishing at a special ceremony on October 10 during the Frankfurt Book Fair, Iran’s cultural office in Germany has announced.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – Iranian independent publishers will have a greater presence at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2017 by increasing the number of active companies to 19 at the major world cultural event, Iran Cultural Fairs Institute (ICFI) director Amir-Masud Shahramnia said on Thursday.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) – The Iranian Association of Writers for Children and Youth will promote 300 bestselling titles by Iranian writers at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2017.