Cradle of Silence Wins at IndieFEST Film Awards in US
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) - Iranian short Cradle of Silence, directed by Mostafa Mehraban, has won an award at the 11th edition of IndieFEST Film Awards in the United States.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) - Iranian short Cradle of Silence, directed by Mostafa Mehraban, has won an award at the 11th edition of IndieFEST Film Awards in the United States.
TEHRAN.(HONARONLINE) - Iranian short Cradle of Silence, directed by Mostafa Mehraban, has been accepted into the competition program of the 11th edition of IndieFEST Film Awards in the United States.
TEHRAN. (HONARONLINE) - Iranian short Cradle of Silence, directed by Mostafa Mehraban, is taking part at the 5th BangkokThai International Film Festival (BANGIFF) currently underway in Thailand.