He received the award in the Photo Travel category for his photo “Sculpture”. This photo shows a man looking at a statue in a public place.
Photos by Kazemi Bumeh have been showcased at many international exhibitions across the world.
His “Chicken” won the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) Gold Medal at the 2nd Ala Archa International Exhibition of Photography in Kyrgyzstan in 2020.
The 3rd Tajik Photo Art also gave its FIAP Gold Medal to his photo “Gear” in 2021.
His photo “Soar” received the FIAP Gold Medal at the 2nd Naryn International Exhibition of Photography in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in April.
In addition, the 1st Danube Digital Circuit in Russia awarded the Salon Silver Medal to his photo “Man with a White Beard” in July.
The Photo Emotion exhibition, which is organized by the University Photo Cinema Club in Banja Luka, also honored the winners in various categories.
In the Photo Travel category, the FIAP Gold Medal went to Eugen Dr. Tigiser from Germany for his photo “Along the Way”.
The Photographic Society of America (PSA) Gold Medal was awarded to Shin Woo Ryu from South Korea for “Stokksnes”, the National Gold Medal was given to Fernando Luigi Lucianetti from Italy for “Praia do Norte – Nazarè”.
English photographer Brian Stephenson won the FIAP Gold Medal in the Emotion section for his “Fighting to the Finish” and Amani Alqahtani from Saudi Arabia received the PSA Gold Medal for “Childhood”.
In this section, the Salon Gold Medal was awarded to “A Unique Connection” by Norwegian photographer Kjersti Holst, while “Joey De Francesco” by Max van Son from the Netherlands won the National Silver Medal.
“Nue Sur Le Marche” by Irish photographer Paul Reidy won the FIAP Gold Medal in the Open Color category.
The PSA Gold Medal in this section went to “Die Hard” by Yao Zu Shu from Australia. South Korean photographer Shin Woo Ryu’s “Ice Cliff Climbing” also won IAAP Gold Medal.
The National Gold Medal was given to Ole Suszkiewicz from Denmark) for “Harmonica Clown” and the Salon Gold Medal was awarded to Yuen Yam Au from Hong Kong for “Rubbish Worker”.
Chinese photographer Zhendong Wu was honored with the FIAP Gold Medal in the Monochrome section for “Dancers in Light and Shadow”, while Vladimir Karamazov from Bulgaria won the PSA Gold Medal for “The Boy from the Mountain”.
The National Gold Medal was awarded to Ryszard Lomnicki from Ireland for “Fishing House” and the Salon Gold Medal went to Ognjen Golubovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina for “In the Cage”.
Source:Tehran Times