Iran’s Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies and the Iranian Association of Russian Language and Literature will organize the webinar in collaboration with the Higher School of Economics and the Ibn Sina Islamic Culture Research Foundation in Moscow, the organizers have announced.
The webinar, which will start at 7:30 pm on Adobe connect, will be held in memory of Mais Dzangir-ogly Nazarli, a Russian art historian who died few weeks ago. He was also an expert on Safavid-era art and the author of “Lam and Alif, or Love in Islamic Calligraphy”.
“The Royal Spirit of the Safavid Paintings” and “The Issue of the Interpretation of the Creative Method of Safavid Painters”, are among the over 30 articles Nazarli wrote about the Safavid art.
The organizers have provided simultaneous translation for the Russian-speaking audience.
Hanif Rahimi, a professor of Islamic art at the University of Science and Arts of Yazd will deliver a lecture at the webinar.
Source:Tehran Times