The comedy show "Khoshdelan" is written by Saeed Poursamimi, an Iranian actor and an acclaimed cinema actor. He has received various accolades, including three Crystal Simorgh for Best Supporting Actor, making him the only actor to have three wins in that category and two Hafez Awards. He is best known as the master of supporting roles in Iran.
The cast include: Saeed Poursamimi, Massoud Karamati, Bahram Ebrahimi, Elham Pavehnejad, Reza Moulai, Parizad Saif, Shahin Alaeinejad, Behrouz Pourbarji, Ali Pouya Ghasemi, Farzaneh Zinati, Shahab Abbasian, Hamed Mehdinejad, Reza Faizbakhsh, Maryam Mohebi, Saeed Mohebi.
"Khoshdelan" is the latest collaboration between Poursamimi and Saif after the performance of "swan song " which was staged in 2018 at Iranshahr Theater Complex.
Saeed Khani produces the show and Nuruddin Heydari Maher is production manager of this show.
The crew: Afsana Gholizadeh (make-up designer), Ali Kozegar (light designer), Aram Mousavi (costume designer), Mobin Farahani (scene designer), Sohail Sareeoltlaq and Mohammad Asghari (music), Mohammad Movahednia (advertising manager and graphic designer), Omid Mirzaei (Teaser maker), Amin Malekzadeh (motion graphic designer), Mohammad Ali Soleimani and Mohammad Movahednia (poster designers), Seyed Meisam Mirzaei (editing), Kiaresh Mosayebi (photographer), Fariborz Daraie (media consultant), Atieh Rahmani (financial affairs), Shima Moradi (assistant planner), Saeed Mohebi (assistant director), Maryam Mohebi (play supervisor) and Amin Rajabi, Amir Tayibi (stage assistant).
Source: Iran Theater