This showcase titled “Cosmos” is part of the 12th Puppet Is a Human Too International Festival of Puppet Theater and Film Animation for Adults, which opened in the Polish capital on September 29, the organizers announced.
Puppets from six puppet shows such as “Eight Moments” based on the stories from eight unknown authors from all over the world, and “Tooti Par” and “The Earth and the Universe”, both inspired by Rumi’s poetry, have been selected for the exhibition.
Puppets from her performances of Federico Garcia Lorca’s “The House of Bernarda Alba”, Bertolt Brecht’s “Mother Courage and Her Children” and “Count to One” based on Umar Khayyam’s poetry are also on display at the exhibit, which will run until October 15.
Sabri’s puppet shows have received acclaim at international events in Iran Tunisia, Lebanon, Russia, India, Sweden, Spain and Kazakhstan.
Sabri won the Grand Prix for the best presentation at the International Festival of Puppetry Art in Bielsko-Biala, Poland in 2012 for her “The Earth and the Universe”.
Source: Tehran Times