The vocalist Mohammad Larian and music players Mehdi Nasseri, Moin Pakbaz, Behrouz Sharifian, Amir-Hossein Maahini and Mehdi Monfared contributed to this album.
Produced by Makan Saghiri, the album was released in digital format inside Iran and was among the best-selling albums.
The album is a compilation of music played in Iran’s southern city of Bushehr and is released by the Shady Records Company in the international market.
Established in 2011, the Global Music Awards is a well-known international music competition that celebrates independent musicians. The Global Music Awards is widely recognized by industry insiders as giving legitimacy to highly talented artists. The Global Music Awards is recognized as music’s golden seal of approval.
According to, each year they receive hundreds of entries from around the world. If you receive the Global Music Awards honors you will know that your music stands out internationally, across cultures. You are being judged in an international competition, not just an American competition.
Global Music Awards participants are from Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Venezuela, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Colombia, Crete, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Ecuador, England, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Guatemala, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Source: Iran Daily