The book originally published in July 2018 explpres the reality that Russia's political, diplomatic, military and economic footprint in West Asia (Middle East) and North Africa has expanded visibly over the past decade.
This Chaillot Paper provides a detailed account of Russia's spectacular return to the region.The paper depicts how major regional players have adjusted to the new reality but also addresses the question of whether Russia will be able to sustain its geopolitical ambitions in West Asia.
Popescu was a senior asalyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) between July 2013 and June 2018. He specialized in Russia and the EU's eastern neighbors.
Secrieru joined the EUISS as a senior asalyst in 2018, where he covers Russia and the EU's eastern neighborhood.
Stanislav holds a Ph.D. from the National School of Political Science and Public Administration in Bucharest.
Source:Tehran Times