Published by Saless, the book has been translated by Nasser Fakuhi, who has previously rendered Le Breton’s “Body and Society”.
In “Anthropology of Pain”, Le Breton has said that there is no pain without suffering.
Pain disrupts life proportionally to the suffering it generates, but it may be terrible or negligible.
When we are subjected to pain, it destroys our life, eats it away like a form of torture, and paralyzes our thinking, our desire and our social relations.
But if we choose pain as a means of atonement or an expression of faith, or in sports, or in altering our bodies as in body art, it contributes to building the individual.
In the wake of his studies of the anthropology of pain, David Le Breton will discuss the way in which our perception of pain determines a more or less deep suffering that destroys, or instead builds up, the individual, but invariably influences our behavior and our values, in one word, the social and cultural fabric of our lives.
Le Breton is a professor of sociology and anthropology at the Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg, a member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and the author of a number of works on the anthropology of the body.
Among his books are “Corps et sociétés. Essai de sociologie et d'anthropologie du corps”, “Anthropologie du corps et modernité”, “La sociologie du corps”, “L’adieu au corps” and several others.
Source:Tehran Times