Escargot is the first film directed by Amin-Reza Ali-Mohammadi. The movie is also the only Iranian film to compete in the US festival.

Escargot is going to appear on screen in the presence of its filmmaker at the Park City in the western state of Utah on January 25, 2023.

Bahar Nohian, Ilia Akhavanrad and Ali-Reza Javid are the main characters of the Iranian movie.

The Slamdance Film Festival is one of the important events approved by the Oscar Academy, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) and the Canada Screen Awards.

Christopher Nolan, British-American filmmaker, is one of the most important figures who have been discovered by the Slamdance Film Festival so far.

The Slamdance Film Festival is a showcase for raw and innovative filmmaking that lives and bleeds by its mantra: By Filmmakers, For Filmmakers.

The annual week-long festival takes place in Park City, Utah, in late January and is the main event organized by the year-round Slamdance organization, which also hosts events with an emphasis on independent films with budgets under US$1 million.

Escargot has been screened in Italy, Mexico, Turkey, Nigeria and some other countries thus far.

The Iranian movie’s screening will continue in January, March and April in Florida, Vienna and Tokyo.


Source: IRNA