The 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) ended on Monday, its 9th day in Goa, with a closing award ceremony within which winners were announced. Among them, Nader Saeivar won the best director award for the Iranian movie 'No End' and Vahid Mobasheri won the best actor award for the same movie, Both Iranian received the Silver Peacock for best director and best actor respectively.

Another Iranian winner was Payam Eskandar who won the ICFT UNESCO Gandhi Medal for ‘Nargesi’ produced and acted by Shahab Hosseini. 

The ICFT UNESCO Gandhi Award is being given to a film that best reflects Mahatma Gandhi's ideals of peace, tolerance and non-violence.

First held in 1952, IFFI has been held annually to provide a common platform for the best cinema at an International level to project the excellence of film art across the world. During the 9-day festival, a total of 280 films from 79 countries were screened. 

The 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) which was held on November 20-28 in Goa, India, featured 280 movies from 79 countries. 


Source:Mehr News