Directed by Asghar Besharati, the short film in its latest presence in the international film festivals has been screened at the Filminute 2022 which was held on Oct. 15 – Nov. 15.

The short piece has managed to win the Jury and Audience awards of the festival.

The film has been praised by the jury due to its unique filming, poetic narration, simplicity and attracting the attention of the audience to the details of everyday life.

The 60-second film depicts the apparent contrast between human domination over nature and hope for art. It has been produced to attract the audience’s attention to environmental issues and the necessity of conserving marine reserves for future generations. 

Filminute is an international one-minute film festival that challenges filmmakers, writers, animators, artists, designers, and creative producers to develop and submit the world’s best one-minute films.


Source: Mehr News Agancy