Iran and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to expand cinematic ties on Tuesday night, said Masoud Ahmadvand, the cultural attaché of Iran in the Russian Federation.
The deal is aimed to expand ties on cinematic relations, co-production and screening of cinematic works, Ahmadvand noted.
Producing joint films, increasing exchange, screening and introducing cinematic works for sale, exchanging experts and human resources, facilitating the presence of film institutions and organizations of the two countries in film festivals, holding film week and cultural events, and exchanging knowledge and experience of both countries in film production are part of the provisions of the signed agreement.
Manilova also said that holding the Caspian Film Festival and the sustainable plan for visiting the Caspian coastal cities can help strengthen the commonalities between Iran and Russia.
The Russian official said, “Both Iran and Russia have a deep and rooted culture and, based on their commonalities, we seek expansion of cultural cooperation along with political and economic relations.”
Khazaei said that Iran’s cinema industry has a glowing report and is widely-known to Russia and the world, adding that Iran is one of the 12 cinematic countries of the world.
Referring to Iran’s comprehensive studies on Russian cinema, he said that investment in this industry will be highly profitable.
Ahmadvand said that Iran is ready to hold cultural week in Russia, adding that the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization is preparing for it.
Welcoming a joint festival on the theme of the Caspian Sea, he said that such programs can pave the way for further cultural ties.
Russian officials presented the available Russian capacities for expansion of ties.
Source: Iran Daily