The 11-minute animation 'Crab', by Shiva Sadegh Amini, has made it to the Shnit Worldwide Short film festival.
Shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival is a premier venue for the exhibition and promotion of short films. The festival is an exceptional twelve-day event with a unique concept – a transnational film festival simultaneously taking place in eight cities on five continents worldwide.
This cinematic event is being held from October 21 to 31, 2021.
The Crab is the story of a shy and isolated boy who wants to join the school theater group. But the only role he is offered is the role of a crab.
It is made with pastel and oil paint techniques on paper combined with the rotoscopic technique.
It has been screened at several international festivals, including the Hiroshima International Animation Festival 2020, the 19th Countryside Animafest Cyprus and Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF), the 33rd Dresden animation festival in Germany, the 14th Fest Anča International Animation Festival in Slovakia, 8th Insomnia International Animation Film Festival in Russia, and Lucania Film Festival in Italy.
Source:Tehran Times