Directed by Kaven Mazaheri, the film follows Akram and Azar, two sisters who lie about the disappearance of their brother by telling everyone he has fled to Germany. As time goes by, however, the “lie” turns into “reality” in Akram’s mind, so that she believes her brother will come back.
Parvar received the award for her portrayal of Akram.
“She was able to render with a powerful expressive minimalism and with surreal irony the dramatic condition of a woman, oppressed by the double weight of mental illness and of the Botox-postersocial discrimination carried out by a patriarchal and male chauvinist society,” the jury said in its statement.
Victoria Yakubov, Fabrizio Odetto, Alessio Brusco, Claudio Di Biagio and Davis Alfano were the members of the jury, chaired by the French editor Hervé Schneid.
“Silenced Tree” by Turkish director Faysal Soysal was selected as best film. It also won an award for Iranian editor Mostafa Kherqepush.
Leandro Lara with the Brazilian drama “Rodantes” received the award for best director, while the award for best screenplay went to the Spanish drama “Amigo” co-written by Javier Botet, Oscar Martin and David Pareja.
“Amigo” directed by Martin also brought Botet the best actor award for the role of Javi.
Davis Alfano won the award for best photography for his collaboration in “Rodantes”, while Donato Panaccio and Mauro Polito received the award for best sound design for their cooperation in the Italian drama “Angelo Bianco” directed by Vincenzo Basso. “Angelo Bianco” also won the special jury prize.
“Dear Child” by Luca Ammendola, which follows the lives of children recovering from their involvement with the drug war in Brazil, was named best documentary.
The best director award in the documentary competition went to Italian filmmaker Andrea Grasselli for “Zeneru” which connects the life of a hermit shepherd and the ritual of Zeneru, with which Alpine communities chase winter away, evoking the indissoluble link between the agro-pastoral world and cyclical time.
The best short film award was given to “My Planet” written and directed by Valery Carnoy from Belgium.
Source:Tehran Times