Directed by Rahim Zabihi, the film received the Club Alpino Italiano Golden Award for its perfect representation of mountaineering, mountain life and mountain people.
The documentary highlights the dangerous work of Kurdish Kulbars.
Kulbars are workers who transport heavy goods on foot across the Iranian border passing through rocky, steep and slippery mountainous pathways to make a living to support their families.
The workers face numerous challenges as they walk along dangerous paths, suffering from injuries as well as being shot at by border police, and even dying along the hazardous route.
“Holy Bread” narrates the men’s distressing stories with powerful scenes captured by the director’s filming crew while accompanying the workers for 9 years, documenting what can be described as a disclosure of a group of men whose lives are driven by hunger, poverty and despair in the lowest margins of the social class.
Thirteen other films from France, Morocco, Switzerland, Italy, Uruguay, Germany, Spain, Ukraine, Austria, Poland, Bulgaria, Greenland, China and Belgium were also screened in the official competition of the event.
The City of Trento Grand Prix Golden Gentian Award was given to “Cows on the Roof” by Swiss director Aldo Gugolz.
Gugolz’s film is the story of Fabiano who is haunted by the death of a clandestine Macedonian worker who died in a fatal accident. Feeling responsible for the tragedy, Fabiano’s troublesome life on his father’s small farm is presented to the viewer as he struggles with debt while his partner’s pregnancy adds to his miseries. But despite the difficulties, he holds on to his dreams of a simple life surrounded by nature and farm animals.
“Here I Am Again” by Polly Guentcheva from Bulgaria won the City of Bolzano Golden Gentian Award for the best exploration and adventure film.
The Silver Gentian Award for the best artistic and technical contribution went to “The Last Austrians” by Austrian director Lukas Pitscheider.
“Chaddr – A River Between Us” by German filmmaker Minsu Park won the special jury award, which recounts a girl’s last journey to her school across the mountains of Kashmir.
The Trento Film Festival, which is one of the oldest European film festivals focusing on mountain explorations, took place online from May 9 to 16 in Trento.
Source:Tehran Times