Directed by Samaneh Shojaei, the short movie is about a doctor who is visiting with one of his patients, while there is a room full of psychiatric patients who are waiting for him and are unable to remain calm any longer.
The film has been screened in numerous international festivals, including the Show Me Shorts Film Festival in Auckland, New Zealand, in April 2020, and received several awards.
“Gray Body” received two awards including best animated effects at the 11th edition of the Iran Independent Animation Celebration in December 2019.
The film brought the best writing award for its writer Amin Kafashzadeh, while Shojaei received an honorable mention for directing the animation.
“Gray Body” also won the Association Internationale du Film d’Animation (ASIFA) award at the 36th Tehran International Short Film Festival in November 2019.
In 2019, the LA Femme International Film Festival in Beverly Hills, California, the U.S., also screened the movie. The festival aims at empowering women working behind the camera as directors, producers and writers.
The film also went on screen at the 30th edition of the New Orleans Film Festival, an Oscar-qualifying event that was held in the U.S. city in September 2019.
The 33rd Filmfest Dresden, which had been postponed in September 2020 due to the pandemic, is scheduled to be held from April 13 to 18.
Over 2,700 short films from 104 countries, including Germany, France, Spain, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the USA and Canada, have been submitted to the festival, which is dedicated to short cinema.
The festival’s final selection will be announced by the beginning of March.
Source:Tehran Times