Directed by Hamy Ramezan, the feature debut of Finnish-Iranian filmmaker Ramezan is a drama about a 13-year-old boy in a Finnish village whose world is turned upside down when his family is turned down for asylum. The film – previously titled Oasis of Now – won the Screen International Best Pitch Award at Tallinn 2018 and the best project at the 2019 Finnish Film Affair.

The film features Shahab Hosseini and Laura Birn, among others. The film was held back during 2020.

According to Screen Daily, in a year when festivals will hope for the return of audiences, industry, and some sense of normalcy, Screen rounds up key contenders vying for the attention of programmers from France, Benelux, Nordics, Italy, Germany, Spain, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia.

Source: Iran daily