The Iranian film “The ocean behind the Window” directed by Babak Nabizadeh will be screened in the competition section of the 19th Dhaka International Film Festival (DIFF) in Bangladesh.
“The ocean behind the window” is the story of Borhan, a young and smart adolescent from a village on a faraway and beautiful island in which people have a hard life. He takes a group of tourists to the island’s spectacular visiting spots. He plays music and performs shows for them. Life starts burgeoning. More tourists come to the island but there is a big problem on the way.
16 selected films in the children's competition section from Iran, Argentina, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Palestine, India, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, and the United States will be screened to a large audience during the event.
The ‘19th Dhaka International Film Festival’ (DIFF) will be held in Dhaka from 16 to 24 January 2021. The general theme of the festival is ‘Better Film, Better Audience, and Better Society’. The Festival has been organized on a regular basis by the Rainbow Film Society, which has been dedicated to the promotion of a healthy cine culture in Bangladesh and in celebrating the global mainstream in film and its social relevance since 1977.
Source: Mehr News