The short documentary film 'Gelak' directed by Siroos Kaffash took part in the 13th edition of the annual San Francisco Iranian Film Festival which was held virtually on September 19 and 20.
The documentary managed to win the Sepanta Award at the closing ceremony of this international film festival.
It had previously made it to the final section of the Pune International Film Festival in India and won the Best Cinematography Award at this Indian festival.
'Gelk' depicts the story of the girls from Southern Iran who are not willing to betray their motherland for sake of their own interests. The documentary uses these girls as the symbol of loyalty to the motherland in order to criticize those who pretend that they are faithful to their country.
Iranian Film Festival (IFF), the first independent Iranian film festival outside of Iran launched in 2008, is an annual event showcasing independent feature and short films made by or about Iranians from around the world. IFF is also a platform for the Iranian filmmakers living around the globe to express their vision and talent through the artistic medium of film.
Source:Mehr News