Directed by Kazem Molaie, 'Pitman' is set to be screened in the "Asian New Talents" section of the Shanghai Film Festival.
The movie tells the story of a woman named Soodeh, who faces a strange challenge just before her second marriage.
Vishka Asayesh, Hassan Ma'ajouni, Mehraveh Sharifi Nia, and Gohar Kheirandish are among the cast members of the film.
The Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) is one of the largest film festivals in East Asia. "China's biggest film festival" according to the Hollywood Reporter. Next to Tokyo International Film Festival, the SIFF is considered by many to be the second biggest film festival in Asia.
The Shanghai International Film Festival, due to have taken place in June, has been postponed, due to the coronavirus outbreak.
The 23red edition of the festival will be held on 18-27 July 2020.
Source:Mehr News