The Best Short Film Award of the 17th edition of the Chennai International Film Festival (CIFF) went to the Iranian film ‘The Past Continuous’, written by Karim Amini, Armin Tahmasebi, and Ali Bateni, and directed by Shiva Taheri.
The Chennai International Film Festival (CIFF) is a festival organized in the city of Chennai, India, by a film society, the Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation (ICAF).
The festival provides a platform to contribute to the understanding and appreciation of film cultures of the different nations in the context of the social and cultural ethos, and promote friendship and co-operation among peoples of the world, according to the event’s organizers.
‘The Past Continuous’ had previously taken part at the 13th Taos Shortz Film Festival in the US, Varese Film Festival in Italy, and the 16th Minikino Film Festival in Indonesia.
Source: Mehr News