Directed by Amir-Hushang Moein, the movie is about a group of children who perform the familiar story of the wolf and the yearlings in school as a puppet show. The nanny goat grieving for its yearlings and the angry wolf in its solitude face each other.
In a statement published by the organizers on the closing ceremony of the festival on September 24, the jury wrote, “This film is presented with a very high degree of animation performance, successfully invoking life through its movements and reaching beyond the more easily achieved illustration of actions.
“The narrative of the story is beautifully woven between the parallel of outer and inner realities. As the children are performing a stage play about the perils of 7 domestic goats and a wild wolf, the viewer is invited to experience and be transported in-and-out between the dramas of performing children and blending into the fictional story of the play.
“The choice of art direction and graphic styling is very whimsical, invoking dream-like qualities while maintaining a more serious undertone and very fitting to the nature of the story.”
Earlier last week, the animated movie, which was produced at the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, also won the Grand Prix at the 12th Paris International Animation Film Festival (PIAFF).
The Star of Indie Grand Prize, Indie-AniFest’s top honor, went to “Movements” by South Korean director Jeong Dahee.
Source: Tehran Times