The three-day program has been organized to review three documentaries by the filmmaker: And This Is the Best Triumph, Story of the Bridge and The Ashura Night.
And This Is the Best Triumph was screened on the first day followed by a review session attended by filmmaker Orod Attarpur, film critic Saeid Qotbizadeh, and Avini’s son Sajjad.
French scholar Agnès Devictor, who is a lecturer at the University of Paris and teaches Iranian cinema at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), was also among the invited guests who gave a speech about Avini and his films.
Devictor said that she believes the cinema of Avini is different from the world productions on war.
She said that Avini depicts the real meaning of war to a great extent, while other war filmmakers try not to disturb the viewers and mostly observe the viewers’ calmness.
The documentaries made during the war at the warfronts are usually filmed quickly while Avini has portrayed the meaning of war very slowly and with no hurry,” she added.
Pointing to the narration of the documentary carried out by Avini himself, Devictor also noted that Avini’s tone of voice as the narrator of his documentary takes the viewers to what really has been observed in the war.
She also added that whenever she screens Avini’s And This Is the Best Triumph in other countries, the documentary has been warmly received by the audience.
Film critic Qotbizadeh was the next speaker who called Avini a writer and narrator who has been highly impressed by literature.
“Avini’s exaggerations in poetry does not allow the audience to gain much information. However his poetry and special attention to literature have made his films into praises of peace,” he added.
Avini was martyred by a landmine in 1993 during his last trip to the former Iran-Iraq war zone in southwestern Iran while making a documentary about soldiers who were still listed as missing in action.
He became famous for The Narration of Triumph and was called “the master of martyred writers by his colleagues and war veterans due to the fervent narrations he wrote for his documentaries.
In his brief words at the ceremony, Attarpur also said that Avini’s background and his interest in literature made him find the epic form of life.
“When Avini was busy with editing the films, he saw the love and fascination of the soldiers and praised every single of them. He made his films with all his love for the soldiers,” he concluded.
Source: Tehran Times