Renowned Iranian stuntman Arsha Aqdasi, who is the founder Stunt 13, a major studio for Iranian stuntmen, came on stage during the meeting held at the Shafaq Cultural Center while his head was burning and announced his plan to organize a festival for Iranian stuntmen.
“The first festival for Iranian stuntmen will be organized on May 7 as we have the potential to hold it internationally,” he added.
He said that stuntmen have so far been ignored at the Oscars and only three festivals in Russia, America and Hong Kong are held for stuntmen.
“We want to be the fourth,” he noted.
The meeting went on with a speech by director Rambod Javan who has collaborated with Aqdasi on several projects, including the TV series “The Address”.
“I really love action movies and I think that one of cinema’s missions is to get the audience excited by action scenes,” he said.
The high cost of production and lack of experts on action films are the main reasons behind Iranian directors’ hesitation in making action movies, Javan stated.
The organizers also screened some videos in which a number of Iranian actors, including Shahram Haqiqatdust and Kambiz Dirbaz, asked the Iranian film festivals to allocate an award for stuntmen.
The meeting came to an end with the honoring of several stuntmen.
Source: Tehran Times