Parting’ revolves around two young Afghan lovers who get separated when Fereshteh has to leave the country with her parents to find refuge in Iran. Her lover Nabi embarks on a mission to find her, crossing the border illegally before taking her through Turkey and towards Europe for a better life.
‘Parting’ has won the special filmmaker award of Busan International Film Festival, the award for best actress in the International Festival of Morocco, and the award for best feature film in Tripoli International Festival.
A joint production of Iran and Afghanistan, 'Parting' has also been introduced to compete at the foreign film category of Academy Awards.
The movie stars Reza Ahmadi, Fereshteh Hosseini, Behrang Alavi, Nazanin Bayati, Masoud Mirtaheri, Sina Soheili, Mahfouz Mahmoudi, Afshin Akhlaghi, Bashir Ahmad, and Shams Langaroudi.
Source: Mehr News