“About the Salesman” directed and produced by Vahid Sedaqat and Tahmineh Monzavi will be screened at the Art and Experience Cinemas, which are dedicated to screening art films, Farhadi has announced on his Telegram channel.
The documentary shows how the idea of making the film began to form and how the various stages of production were completed.
Top film critics such as Godfrey Cheshire, Peter Bradshaw, Fabio Ferzetti, Philippe Rouyer, Michel Ciment, and Hushang Golmakani also speak about the acclaimed movie in the documentary.
“The Salesman” won the Oscar for best foreign-language film in 2017. In 2016, Farhadi won the award for best screenplay for this movie at the 69th Cannes Film Festival. It also brought Shahab Hosseini the Palme d’Or for best actor.
The film also received a nomination in the not in the English language category at the British Academy Film Awards in 2018.
Source: Tehran Times