Birthday Night’ which is written and directed by Omid Shams tells the story of two friends and business partners, Ahmad and Ali, who face unexpected challenges on their birthday night.
Omid Shams, known for ‘The Passage’, has won several awards and nominations for his films from Miami Short Film Festival, Ohio Independent Film Festival and Tehran International Short Film Festival. ‘Birthday Night’ has received the best short film award from Tehran International Short Film Festival.
The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival is the biggest international film festival dedicated to short films. It is held annually in Clermont-Ferrand, France, and is the second largest film festival in France after Cannes, in terms of audience and professional attendance, boasting over 160,000 attendees and 3,500 professionals annually.
The 40th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival is slated for 2-10 February, 2018.
Source: Mehr News